Adam Sandler

This interview appeared right before Big Daddy was released. I
decided to type it out because some of the stories he has about the boys are pretty funny.
I didn't type the whole interview, just the relevant parts.

Dave - So anyway,
we're talking about the film "Daddy Boy" which opens...
Adam - Daddy Boy?!
Dave - Oh, is it not Daddy Boy?
Adam - Tommy Boy is Farley's...It's Big Daddy.
Dave - Oh, Big Daddy. I got confused with Waterboy.
Adam - Oh Waterboy...alright.
Dave - I hope you're not offended.
Adam - I'm not offended.
Dave - My apologies to you and your family.
Dave - Well, let's talk a little bit about...Boy oh boy, you have your work cut out for
you now! You've got the Star Wars movie which made a billion dollars right out of the box.
You've got the Austin Powers movie - a billion dollars right out of the box. Then, when
you had the Waterboy movie, that was a billion dollars right out of the box. So now you're
coming up with the Daddy Boy movie - do you think you have it in you? Do you think it's
going to be a big hit? Are you nervous?
(Adam looks down looking like his feelings were hurt)
Adam - I don't know, if people pay for "Daddy Boy," I don't get any of that
money! This is like a huge plug for the star of "Daddy Boy."
Dave - It's Big Daddy is the name of the show.
Adam - I know.
Dave - What's the matter with you? You know what it is!
Adam - I was so excited, I was like "that's a catchy one (referring to the name
"Daddy Boy)!"
Dave - Now listen, uh...tell them about the movie, I mean describe it. You're trying to
impress a young woman...
Adam - Yes, it's a man, similar to a young Adam Sandler, who's uh...afraid to move on with
his life into adult responsibility. He has a girlfriend who is leaving him unless he grows
up. And instead of showing his responsibility by getting a job or something, he adopts a
little boy to say...but he expects that the girl will help him raise the kid, but she
ditches him.
Dave - So, in the beginning, your character is a little cynical about the whole thing
right? And then as the movie goes on, you start to realize that there is something to this
fatherhood thing?
Adam - All I did was just say my lines, I have no idea. (he laughs)
(Dave laughs hysterically)
Adam - We shot it...we shot it in New York...
Dave - Yeah, was it tough shooting in the streets of New York?
Adam - It was tough because of (Darn) White Castle everyday! I would do my scenes, than
eat White Castle everyday...I started the movie at one weight and at the end, I was at
another weight and you shoot a movie out of order so I was up and down. If you see the
movie, there was a huge fluctuation but the one constant thing is I always sucked.
Dave - What's the matter? What happened to you?
Adam - All of a sudden, I hate myself.
Dave - Is it because of this "Daddy Boy" stuff?
Adam - YES!!
Dave - Oh, come on! Let's show folks a clip from Big Daddy. Now explain to them what they
are going to see.
Adam (clears his throat) - Ladies and Gentlemen...uh...this clip is uh...I've got this boy
here and I'm raising this boy. And, it turns out it's not going my character's way.
Dave - The kid's an actor right?
Adam - The kid's a cute actor...actually there's a twin...they're twins. They're both
cute, they're both handsome.
Dave - Right, but they use twins is so you can work them around the clock right? Like four
hours on, four hours off.
Adam - It's actually for their own safety too, you know, four hours with me and they're
always crying and it's like "Bring the other kid in here!"
Dave - Did you get along well with the kids?
Adam - Hard to tell the difference between the two kids because their identical. It's Cole
and Dylan, the two little kids...
Dave - Cole and Dylan?
Adam - Yeah, so I'm with these two little kids Cole and Dylan. And it took me about three
weeks and I could tell the difference. I had a system. I'd say "fellas, you want a
beer?" And they'd say "sure, I'll take a beer." And I say to one of them
"what do you want?" And he says "I'll take a Michelob." And I'd say
okay, Cole.
Dave - So that's how you could tell?
Adam - The other kid liked (some really strange beer name). It has extra alcohol.
Dave - Oh, extra alcohol, I see.
Adam - His thing was, he wanted to get buzzed quickly.
Dave - Alright, so now have we set up the clip? Have you explained it?
Adam - I think I said something...
Dave - Here we go, Big Daddy, Adam Sandler. Take a look.
(Clip from movie shows)
Dave - It looks like things are going pretty well! Alright Adam, nice job!
Adam - Thank you, thanks everybody!
